30 research outputs found

    Learning Style Preferences in Social Studies Based on Gender Differences of Junior High School Students in Singkawang

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    Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengidentifikasi dan menggambarkan preferensi gaya belajar peserta didik Sekolah Menengah Pertama di Kota Singkawang pada mata pelajaran Ilmu Pengetahuan Sosial berdasarkan gender. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain penelitian deskriptif kuantitatif. Sampel penelitian terdiri dari 400 peserta didik Sekolah Menengah Pertama di Singkawang. Instrumen yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah angket mengenai gaya belajar, terdiri dari 16 item yang berkaitan dengan gaya belajar VARK (Visual, Auditorial, Read/Write, Kinestetik). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa gaya belajar peserta didik Sekolah Menengah Pertama di Singkawang cenderung unimodal, dan tidak ada perbedaan signifikan dalam gaya belajar antara peserta didik berdasarkan gender

    Developing Local Wisdom Content in West Kalimantan as English Language Teaching Material

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    English is an international language, and almost all Indonesians are aware that most of the teaching materials that use English contain foreign cultural content and topics from abroad. This will cause students to be less aware of the culture of the nation, because they are more focused on understanding foreign cultures. This problem will be incompatible with the goals of national education, which emphasize the development of national cultural identity and the formation of virtuous character, as well as the competitiveness of human resources for the Indonesian nation. This research is the development of teaching materials that aim to produce a product that will later be useful for students in improving their English language skills. In this study also discusses how a teacher can manage their teaching from rich local materials and resources into attractive teaching and learning management.As a teaching material, the product produced is English-language material, using easy-to-understand vocabulary, and is not accompanied by practice questions at the end of the reading, so that students can read calmly


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    Setiap suku tentunya memiliki tradisi yang berbeda-beda sebagai ciri khas yang melekat pada suku tersebut, seperti suku Dayak kanayant yang terkenal dengan upacara adat nyangahnat dalam setiap kegiatan adat yang dilaksankan. Artikel ini bertujuan untuk membahas mengenai bagaimana tahapan upacara adat nyangahant dalam tradisi naik dango dan perlengkapan yang dibutuhkan untuk melansungkan upacara adat nyaghant dalam tradisi naik dango suku Dayak Kanayant di Kabupatan Landak Kalimantan barat. Artikel ini disusun menggunakan metode penelitian kuantitatif dengan metode pengambilan data berupa observasi dan wawancara. Dalam melaksankan upacara adat nyaghanat terdapat tiga tahapan yang memiliki nilai dan tujuan yang berbeda. Pertama adalah menyiapkan paraga adat atau palantar, kedua adalah tahapan nyagahant manta sebagai tahapan bapadah kepada Jubata dan roh-roh leluhur bahwa akan diadakan acara naik dango, ketiga adalah nyangahant masak yang merupakan tahapan inti dalam upacara adat nyagahant untuk memberikan persembahan yang telah disediakan kepada Jubata sebagai ucarapan terima kasih atas berkat panen padi yang diterima


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    This study aimed to explore a question generation strategy for teaching reading comprehension. It was quasi-experimental. The research population used in this study was the whole ninth-grade students of SMP Walisongo Pontianak in the academic year of 2021/2020. This study utilized cluster random sampling to take and choose the sample. The samples were the students from B Class becoming the experimental group and D Class becoming the control group. It applied the measurement technique in this study. The tool of the data collection was a reading test. This study analyzed the data obtained through an independent samples test. The research result showed that the Sig value < 0.05 (0.004 < 0.05), meaning Ha accepted. It proved that the question generation strategy could increase the students’ reading comprehension and make them actively motivated and involved in the learning process. Besides, the significant effect in teaching reading comprehension had a strong effect (0.727). Therefore, it is proposed to use in teaching the reading comprehension context. It could develop students’ thoughts about understanding the text, encourage them to be active and smart readers, increase their understanding of the text they read, and help them catch essential ideas

    Extensive Listening Practice in EFL Classroom with Variety of News Websites

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    One potential of extensive online listening materials is that, unlike intensive listening, EFL students can listen independently by using audio listening features.&nbsp;It&nbsp;encourages&nbsp;students to practice listening and to promote listening fluency and autonomous learning outside the classroom.&nbsp;However, little research has investigated how lower&nbsp;English&nbsp;proficiency students from non-&nbsp;English department&nbsp;in EFL setting, undertaking the process of extensive listening. This study requires some Indonesian students at the tertiary level to select the appropriate materials with their proper level of listening speed to the individual learner. It was a weekly assignment to practice listening outside their classroom. This study seeks to investigate the websites that the EFL students with low proficiency levels choose to&nbsp;do&nbsp;their extensive listening activities, the types of news that may interest the students to listen, and the perception of the extensive listening activities. The results showed that students use captioned- provided websites as their media instruction in listening for pleasure with a variety of news.&nbsp

    Challenges Faced by Libyan Students from Non-English Majors in Speaking English

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    The aim of this research is to analyze the problems faced by non-English speaking students in speaking skills in English at the College of Medical Technology, Derna, Libya. The research methodology used includes surveys and interviews with a representative sample of students. The research findings indicate that there are several problems faced by students regarding speaking skills in English, which encompass linguistic and non-linguistic issues. In terms of linguistic issues, many students feel a lack of vocabulary mastery, inaccurate pronunciation, and grammar. In terms of non-linguistic issues, problems related to low motivation, habits, and mother tongue were found. Therefore, this research highlights the challenges faced by non-English speaking students in developing their speaking skills in English. These challenges include linguistic issues such as vocabulary, pronunciation, and grammar, as well as non-linguistic issues such as motivation, habits, and the influence of the mother tongue. By addressing these challenges, appropriate interventions can be implemented to improve the speaking skills of non-English speaking students at the College of Medical Technology, Derna, Libya. One effective way to improve speaking skills in English is by regularly practicing speaking with others. This can be done by finding friends or English learning groups to actively discuss, debate, or engage in dialogue in English. Additionally, watching English movies or TV shows with subtitles and then attempting to repeat or mimic the dialogue is also a good way to practice pronunciation and expand vocabulary

    Teachers' Perception towards Students' Learning Behavior after Online Learning

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    This research aims to determine teachers' perceptions of students' learning behavior after online learning at MTs Negeri 2 Sekadau. The research approach used is descriptive qualitative research. The data sources used are primary and secondary data. The primary data includes three teachers and the headmaster of MTs Negeri 2 Sekadau, while the secondary data consists of document archives related to the research. The data collection techniques used in this research are observation, interviews, and documentation. The documentation is done using a mobile phone camera. The data analysis techniques include data reduction, presentation, and conclusion drawing. The results of this research indicate that the students' learning behavior after online learning has shown positive and negative changes. The positive aspect is that the students are able to learn independently even after online learning, making it easier for teachers to deliver learning materials. The negative changes in learning behavior include laziness, failure to complete assignments, late attendance, and lack of focus during learning. However, the teachers and the school have tried to improve the students' learning behavior after online learning, such as providing advice and imposing sanctions on students who frequently skip classes and rarely submit assignments

    Exploring The Factors And Experiences Of Academic Procrastination Among Libyan Students: A Qualitative Study

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    Academic procrastination is a prevalent problem among students that has significant negative impacts on their academic performance and well-being. This qualitative study aims to explore the factors and experiences of academic procrastination from the perspective of students. The study involved in-depth interviews with a sample of students who have experienced academic procrastination. The data collected were analyzed using thematic analysis to identify common themes and patterns related to procrastination behavior. The results of this study provide insight into the underlying factors that contribute to academic procrastination and the experiences of students who struggle with this behavior. The study results indicate that there are several factors that influence students and contribute to academic procrastination, such as ineffective time management, lack of motivation or self disipline, lack of planning skills, fear of failure, and boredom with tasks